Why are we Partnering with Jobs for Life?

23.6% of our neighbors in Prince Edward County live in poverty.  Compared to the United States (12.6%) and Virginia (9.9%) we have about twice as many neighbors living in poverty.  One out of every four of your neighbors is struggling with poverty!  

But lack of money is only one symptom of a much larger problem.  We're not following God's plan for our lives.  Part of that plan involves work.  In Genesis 2:15 we read, "After God created man in His image, [He] took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."  We were created to work and work is meant to be a blessing from a loving God.  When we don't have a good job we struggle with poverty, debt, depression, hunger, crime, homelessness, unwanted pregnancies, divorce and domestic violence.

For years we have helped many of our neighbors who struggle with these very issues but have done very little to help them understand God's plan for their lives regarding work.  Unfortunately, because we haven't helped with the underlying issue the symptoms continue to reoccur.  Nothing seems to get better.  That's why we believe it is so important to help our neighbors understand God's plan for their life regarding work.  We're excited to be partnering with Jobs for Life to do just that.

We created this page to help you understand why this is so important and to try to answer your questions.  Please spend time looking through the resources we have included to learn more.

Explore these Links to Learn More!

Intro from the CEO of Jobs for Life Click Here

Joy's Story  Click Here

Alonzo's Story  Click Here

Denise's Story  Click Here

Shyheim's Story  Click Here


What Makes St. John's Lutheran Church the Right Place to Implement a Jobs Program?

First, let's recognize that God has entrusted His plans to the church.  So if anyone is going to share God's plans with the world it should be His church.  That's us!

Second, St. John's Lutheran Church has enjoyed a unique role in our community.  Eight years ago we organized Feeding Farmville to help our neighbors experience God's love.  Our goal was to deliver a warm meal to 500 people on Thanksgiving.  We've been able to do that every year since and this past year we delivered over 1,000 meals.  We're able to do that because God works through local businesses, churches and hundreds of neighbors to provide the resources necessary.  In the process we have seen the Lord to do what none of us could do on our own.  We've also learned that our neighbors want to help those who need help but they're looking for someone to organize them and lead them.  Over the last eight years they have shown that they trust us to do that.

This jobs program must be a community effort but it needs an organization to  lead it.  We are uniquely qualified and very passionate about it.  If you want to understand our passion compare this project to our vision.  

How Will Our Program Help Our Neighbors?

Our goal is NOT to teach the specific skills that would be necessary to work as a nurse, electrician or carpenter.  Our goal is to help them understand how God has uniquely blessed them to serve in our community.  To understand what their dream is and then to help them overcome obstacles to realize the dream.  We will do that through 15 classes over 8 weeks.  Each student will have a mentor to walk with them and encourage them.  We will partner with local business leaders who will be both guests and instructors in our classes so that students gain exposure to what they're looking for.  We believe that by partnering with local business leaders to shape new talent we can provide local businesses with the talent they need to thrive.  We want to be the source that local businesses turn to when they need talent.

The problem is not that people don't have a job.  The problem is a lack of identity.  We will help them understand that they are God's beloved children.  Beyond that we will work with them to understand the unique gifts that God has given them and how they can make a difference in the world.

Being ready to work is about character first, and skill a distant second.  We will invest in developing people of good character.  Our graduates must come to class and they must be on time.  To graduate they must complete their work.  In expecting that of our students we will teach embue in them the character employers are looking for.

Everyone needs a healthy network.  Sometimes it is all about "who you know."  Our program will give students a network.  Our network will include instructors, mentors, other students and business leaders.  As we help students overcome obstacles the network will expand to include other resources we turn too.

To learn more about the lessons included please look through the course outline at the kiosk in the back of the church.

Class Focus

  1.  Values, goals, purpose
  2. Our value, God's design for work, roadblocks
  3. Supply & demand, marketabillity, and first impressions
  4. The ideal employee, character
  5. God's plan, body language
  6. Job applications, resumes, job searches
  7. Employer expectations
  8. Communication
  9. Taking responsibility, forgiveness
  10. Public speaking, interview strategies
  11. Character, resume
  12. Tough questioins, role playing
  13. Decision making, faith
  14. Anger & disobedience, forgiveness
  15. Conflict resolution, win-win principle, employer satisfaction

How Much Does a Jobs for Life Class Cost?

It costs about $1,000 per student.  Each class will accomodate ten students so that cost is $10,000 per class.  The funds will be used to pay for the following:

  • Books and Materials
  • Caps & Gowns
  • Stipends - Students will receive a "paycheck" for the time spent in class.  "Raises" will be possible for those who complete all their work on schedule.
  • Childcare - children will be cared for so that student's can focus on class.

We want our students to understand that they are loved and precious.  Many of them never graduated and nobody has celebrated their accomplishments.  We will begin each class with a meal.  We will celebrate their accomplishments and we will trumpet their successes from the mountaintop!  We will invite family, friends and business leaders to join us in celebrating their graduation.  

Who Will Pay for the Class?

Our goal is to offer one class the first year and then two classes per year.

St. John's will pay for a portion of the first class.  We have also applied for grants from various organizations.  We expect the balance of the cost for the first year and the costs for the second year to come from grants.

Beyond the second year our goal is to pay for the class with donations from the community.  The community has demonstrated incredible support for Feeding Farmville.  We believe that when our graduates begin impacting their families and places of work the community will be excited to invest in this program.

We are hopeful that the eight meals can be provided by businesses from our community.  Ideally, the business would provide the meal and an executive to talk to our students while they eat.

What Do We Need to Get Started?

We have the building, the curriculum, and the funds are on the way.  But we need volunteers.  In particular, before we can begin planning our first class we need a volunteer to serve as the SITE LEADER.  But there are other volunteers that play a critical role as well.  Here is a summary.

  • Site Leader  - This person will receive training from Jobs for Life.  This person will work with Pastor to recruit, equip and direct the Leadership Team and other volunteers.  This person will develope an implementation plan, timeline and budget.  In conjunction with the Leadership Team they will define objectives and expectations, coordinate the scheduling of childcare and meals and make plans for graduation.  This person will serve as the primary liason with community partners.
  • Facilitators - These people lead each class to bring the material to life.  We need at least two Facilitators.
  • Champions - Each student will be paired with a Champion who will attend class with them and walk with them through the entire period to encourage them and lift them up in prayer.  Ten Champions are needed.

Learn more about these positions by picking up a job description from the display in the back of the church or by talking with Pastor.


We need YOU and Your Prayers!
